Fixings and accessories
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COD | Type | Description | |
025100 | ETCA | Andata - rosso | |
025101 | ETCR | Ritorno - blu | |
025102 | ETCF | Acqua fredda - verde | |
025103 | ETCC | Acqua calda - verde-rosso | |
025104 | ETCG | Gas - giallo | |
025105 | ETCS | Altri fluidi - nero | |
025150 | ET B |

COD | Type | Description | |
264900 | BF/ 6 | 1 mt | |
265000 | BF/ 8 | 1 mt | |
265002 | BF2/ 8 | 2 mt | |
265100 | BF/10 | 1 mt | |
265102 | BF2/10 | 2 mt | |
265200 | BF/12 | 1 mt | |
265300 | BF/14 | 1 mt | |
265400 | BF/16 | 1 mt | |
265500 | BF/18 | 1 mt | |
265600 | BF/20 | 1 mt |

SUV 3 - Expansion vessels bracket with bidirectional check valve
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COD | Type | Description | |
075530 | SUV 3 | Impianti solari e ACS |

SUV 2 - Bracket with brass connection for expansion vessels
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COD | Type | Description | |
075525 | SUV 2 | Impianti solari e ACS |

Strip -
PIASTRINA - Back plate for flange angle pipes
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COD | Type | Application | Base Material | |
074010 | PIASTRINA | Bidet | Muratura, cartongesso |

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